This is for you Amelie, and to Forrest "Forrest" Gump, and to Pink Martini.
For once you were my source of happiness, walking down the parks, with singing birds up above, and the voice and rhythm of the walks accompanying, just like pink martini, just like pink martini, just like Pink Martini in the words that come.
But I have since found a greater peace, and tranquility, and I have to leave you all here, so that maybe your kindness in this bewildered but beautiful world will be spread to those who are in the most need, like when our late friend Michael Jackson used to remind us of that call, that certain call, that we are the World, the children, the ones making the brighter day and that we should all start to give, give and give, for every human has something to give, from the most rich to the most poor, that the most rich of us are the ones who has the most to give.
Just like how the Earth, despite everything that it provides, that we take everything from it, never asks anything in return, and remains humble, for us to step on and walk on, and letting us stand on it to instead of awing at the skies and the stars above.
And to Michael that may your soul rest in peace, like how your message to Heal this World remains in some of us.
Remember when we were in Paris Amelie, and when I first met you in Australia, I had ever since carried you even in Malaysia. It has been many years passing, learning French never I did, despite the language that you speak, but then again, the songs were never with words, just the rhythm in those beautiful arts.
It was beautiful, the pastures of yellow and greens that we were living, the blinds that we were helping, the love that we were seeking, in stratagems that we were playing. Remember the fish? The fish that commits suicide, but was alas saved by us? That we then let it back into the pristine river? Over the bridge?
And that is how I let us go our ways. For I have found the key of happiness, and may it stay, for it is not what we possess, nor what we have, but what we have given, and what we are giving, like how the bird that goes out early in the morning, looking for foods, and be full by evening, with more to give, to their children, and their children's children.

The Shoes of Amelie
For this world and the universe combined bears no meaning more than what I need, that this million that I have buys no happiness, that this world worth not the hereafter, for the best of love is the love that is eternal, that the best of music is the music of remembrance.
So I would only consume what is needed just like we always do, but this time with remembrance and redemption. And channel the lust to that of repentance and redemption, that I have tied the source to each of its location, and whilst they drag me back to music, may the door be guarded, of protection that can't be broken, unless by His will.
And so I have left you with your charming music for others, for to others they may find goods in it, until they find the place of the soul.
To Amelie, the music in me,
To Forrest Gump, the dreams that once reside in me,
And to Pink Martini, whom deception is that of honesty.
May I always be, under His protection.