The Happiness

Sometimes it can make you smile,
In solidarity, in reflecting,
Of the things of the past.
When once you felt it was an end
When it was just another beginning
When once you felt it was the biggest thing
When it was just yet another thing

This is the world that was made in such perfection,
From the expanse of space,
To movements of the universe in grace,
To the locations of the stars;
Beautifying the skies till the time of Fajar,
To the exactness of the Earth,
the Sun and the Moon,
To the existence of water and life that it blooms
To the gifts of a soul
And proportion and order given to it
Never, can we see any fault
Nor imbalances in it
And time being His great secret
And things we cannot see
But know of existence
When even an atom is almost an empty
But of little occupants
That make the things we see
So, will you only believe the small things we capable to see?
So; will we believe only the small things we capable to see?

And still question life’s imperfection?
When all is His creation?
Never was there an imperfection.
They are of Most Just in every situation.

When most are blessed with our brain,
Our mind, our nose, our ears,
Our eyes, our faces - our tears,
Our mouth, our legs, our hands,
Our families and friends
And if we were to count,
It is of no ends.

But it is the heart that always cries,
That never satisfies
And it is when the heart satisfies
Will then happiness fly

And will happiness then fly
When we learn the purpose of living
That everything comes and returns to Him.
And then if you lose anything,
They are just returning
Just like we all will be following

There are no reasons for despair
Aren't we still breathing the air?
There is only happiness
In sincerity and humbleness

"Wahai jiwa yang tenang,
Kembalilah kepada Tuhanmu dengan hati yang puas lagi diredhaiNya,
Maka masuklah ke dalam jemaah hamba-hambaKu,
dan masuklah ke dalam syurgaKu"