of Happiness

Untungnya kamu
Masih ada ibu
Masih ada bapa
Yang menyayangi kamu
Dan mereka-mereka yang mendoakan

Untungnya kamu
Dikurniakan Islam
Diberikan nikmat Iman
Sihat tubuh badan

So, my little child,
Which favors of the Lord will you deny?

By the Sun and his glorious splendour,
By the Moon as she follows him,
Untungnya kamu,
Melihat langit dan bumi
Pagi dan petang
Matahari yang terbenam

So, my kindest child,
Which favors of the Lord will you deny?

Untungnya kamu,
Ada mata, boleh memimpin si buta,
Ada telinga, boleh mendengar kata-kata berlagu,
Lagu-lagu kompas pedoman,
Ada kaki, boleh berjalan ke arah kebaikan
Ada tangan, berselindung memberi makan
Dikurniakan rezeki yang tidak putus-putus
Money that piles to the height of the mountain
Creations for the poorest to benefit

So tell me, oh my dearest little child,
Which favors of the Lord will you deny?

Wasn’t it He that teaches you how to read?
And how to speak?
And to learn?
And to love?
Hasn’t He showed you love?
Hasn’t He allowed you to experience love?
Wouldn’t it be Him - the Most Loving, Kindest and Most Forgiving?

There is no test that the sons of Adam cannot bear
There is no things that happen without the perfection of the orders

Life is perfect
God’s creation is perfect
The orders of the moon and the earth and the universe are immaculate
Indeed this life is His creation
In it are all the perfection

And life, one day, will He give
You the holy grail of the soul
of Happiness.