Qunut of Ramadhan 1433

Praise be to Allah who have created me and made me live until this Ramadhan of 1433.

Oh Allah I seek Your good Mercy and Your goodness from Your anger
And in Your forgiveness from Your punishment
And I seek refuge in You from You
As I cannot praise You adequately
You are as You praise Yourself

Laaaa ilaaa ha illallah
Oh our Lord
You are the light of the Heavens and the Earth and whatever is in between
For You is praise
You are the originator of the Heavens and the Earth and that what is in between
And for You is praise
You are the Supporter and the Nourisher and the Cherisher and Sustainer
of the Heavens and the Earth and that what is in it
And for You is praise

Oh Allah You are the truth
And Your Statement is true
And Your Promise is true
And Your Jannah is true
And Your Fire is true
And the Prophets are true
And Muhammad peace be upon him o Prophet Muhammad, o My Love is true
O Allah I believe in You
And upon You I put my trust
And through Your Judgment I submitted
And to You I complain
Forgive me for which I’ve done in the past and what I’ve yet to do
And that for which I’ve done publicly and that in secret
And that which You know more about, than I do myself
You are the first and the last
There is no God but You, Laaa ila ha illallah

O Allah, You know me best since the day I was born and to this day that I speak,
O Allah, you know best when sadness struck and to whom I complain and to whom I ask,
I am poor without You, You are the Most Rich and from You come everything,
O Allah, if I have done bad, then I am being unjust to myself, and You and You alone will be the Judge,
None of your creations have the right to judge, and to You and Your Judgment only I submit,
O Allah, let not people whom I love nor people who love me judge me, and to You belong all secrets,

Walakalhamdu walakalmulk

O Allah, you know better where my efforts and wealth goes,
And You know my intention in them better than I do myself,
Provide me better for which I have given for your sake from the day I was born to this day that I pray,
And forgive me for which I have not spent on Your way,
And to you all my complains go since the day I was born to this day that I pray,

O Allah You have given me knowledge and great understanding,
I seek Your mercy for a willpower to extend the understanding to those whom I love,
And those who love me, and those whom You love,

O Allah, If the Goods exceed the Bads of this Union,
Then grant me the abundance of patience to always follow the Sunnah of Your Love,
And forgive me for the bads that I am unable to control,
And if You permit me to do things but of not Your liking,
Then forgive me, and provide to me something better than that that I have missed.
O Allah, Your knowledge is complete,
Let us not decide with nafs and always extends Your Mercy and Guidance to us.

For we are ignorant without Your light,
We cannot see without Your Guidance,
We cannot hear without Your Guidance,
We cannot understand without Your Guidance,
Provide them and me the Guidance towards your path.

O Allah, I have no strength nor courage to extend Your knowledge,
And I seek Your forgiveness from my weaknesses,
And I seek Your Mercy to provide me strength and courage,
To make firm Your way and Kalimah on this Earth,
I ask from Your Mercy for courage,
I ask from Your Mercy for courage,
I ask from Your Mercy for courage,
O Allah, give me from Your side helpers for this way to Truth.

Blessed be You, in Whose Hands is the dominion, and You have power over all things.

O Allah, grant me Your Mercy for an abundance of Fear of You,
Grant me wealth of I’lm
Wealth of Hikmah,
Wealth of Health,
Wealth of Forgiveness,
Wealth of Love,
Wealth of Respect,
Wealth of Ukhwah,
Wealth of Istiqamah,
Wealth of Righteous Children,
And let me die as one of Your righteous abd,
And pay my debts, and the debts of the righteous Muslims, and take our veils of this life,
So we will see as clearly as the vivid water, and save us from the Fitnah of Dajjal.

Wallahu Ghafurur Raheem.
Ramadhan Kareem